Sunday, January 30, 2011

Effective Leadership

The greatest crisis we face in American business today is a lack of leadership. The vacancy of leadership is largely due to a lack of character in leaders. This crisis of character in leadership originates from the dysfunctional core values of otherwise skilled leaders. The bottom line for American business leaders is this: the level to which you either rise or fall is determined by how well you relate to your followers. The relationship you have with your followers is dictated solely on your character.

Proverbs 29:2 focuses the point of leadership with upright character this way: “When the upright have power, the people are glad; when an evil man is ruler, grief comes on the people.” In other words, if you have ever worked under someone who shows favoritism, is critical, skeptical, pessimistic and opportunistic, you have experienced the groans of a failing leader. The leader we all desire is the one who walks upright in both integrity and action.

The ability to influence your followers is solely based on your integrity and action; your character. Think of it this way. We all want to follow a person whose word is consistent, decisions are fair and who is willing to lead by action, and not by mere intimidation. The image of a cattle driver whipping the herd into action from behind, yelling out orders and firing of shots of intimidation can be contrasted with the Sheppard who walks in front of the herd with nothing more than a walking staff. The leader we want to follow not only understands what tasks need to be accomplished, but also fights passivity by being the first to act upon them.

Many leaders fail to reach their full potential because they focus on skills, knowledge and action while overlooking their heart. It is the heart of the leader that is revealed in the way they treat their followers and those followers are more interested in how much you care, then they care how much you know. Consider the notion that while important, skills and knowledge are only on leg of a three legged stool. The passivity of a leader who knows much and encourages infrequently will cripple an organization faster than any other action. It is not what a leader does that affects the success of an organization; it is what a leader doesn’t do that matters.

So, we see that effective leadership of a team involves more than simply knowledge and skills. Effective leadership requires influencing others by encouraging their hearts and minds, showing love in kindness and uniting the masses by creating an atmosphere of truly caring for the people, not merely faking it.

It is for this reason each of us needs to embrace our failures, short comings and brokenness. Using the pain of lack of success and the willingness to relate that to an organization allows the leader to reveal the heart. It shows the follower that the leader loves well and unites the team through encouragement. The leader’s past failures, short comings and brokenness create an atmosphere where the team knows that they are being prepared for future greatness in their own painful circumstances, just as the leader was. The effective leader seeks to transform a team by focusing on the heart, the inner nature, the core values and relationship of the team in order to compliment the talents, skills and knowledge that is learned and developed. So, if you have not failed in business or felt the pain of frustration in failing to reach your goals, buckle up. The ride is about to get rough for you if you want to be an effective leader.

The effective leader relates to the team not because the leader never fails, is always perfect or has pure character without trials. On the contrary, the effective leader has failed, is imperfect in many circumstances and has had his or her character tried. In the end, however, the effective leader relates to the team because the leader is willing to do whatever is required in order to affect the hearts and minds of the team. Leadership of self by demonstration, and not mere speech, reveals an upright leadership that makes followers rejoice and follow willingly. The outward actions and attitudes of encouragement displayed to the followers originate from deep within the leader’s heart. Until the core value of heart-felt love for the follower is addressed the vacancy of leadership will continue to be a crisis.

(Notes and thoughts originated from L. Hollis Jones, DMin and his book, “The Entrusted Leader.”)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wealth Institute Inc. | ROCKSTAR Nation! Training for Success.

Wealth Institute Inc. | ROCKSTAR Nation! Training for Success.

Texas Leadership call



Tues JAN 25TH @10pm CST


Team RPM team call

Don't miss the RPM Monday Leadership Call

You cannot afford to miss this call!

Time: Monday 11:55am EST

Call-in (712) 432-0075
Passcode 577085 #

Playback number: (712) 432-1085
Passcode 577085 #

Thursday night business presentation

Thursday Jan 6th BOM
Bring all of your Prospects, Bring Everyone!!

The Time to build your Business is NOW!!

**7:30 - 8:30pm CST

Dallas Training Center
13748 Neutron Road
Dallas, TX 75244

**Business Attire / Arrive 15-30 minutes Early

Seize Wealth Seminar - (Leadership & Super Saturday Event) Jan 28/29th, 2011

Seize Wealth Seminar - (Leadership & Super Saturday Event) Jan 28/29th, 2011

Producer Call

Producer Call

Training calls to benefit you and your team!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January Opportunity Slides

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Live Business Presentation

Live Business Opportunity Webinars:

This 30 minute presentation summarizes the international expansion of a US based technology company and gives an overview of the dealership and income opportunities available, which span several industry sectors, including: social networking, e-commerce, internet, streaming video, entertainment, communications technologies and international energy delivery systems (natural gas and electric).

This business snapshot is intended for individuals, businesses and nonprofit organizations interested in establishing a multi-faceted asset for income. Key alliances with multiple public companies make it possible to capitalize on positive trends in recession-resistant industries in various markets in North America, Europe and Asia.

Presented by: Michael K. Sipe
President, CrossPointe Capital - Mergers, Acquisitions, Business Development
Founder, VisionFund - Funding Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations

Register for a session now by clicking a date below:

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 7:10 PM - 7:40 PM CST

Thu, Jan 6, 2011 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM CST

Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration
with information you need to join the Webinar.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Building a big business

In my first 6 months of building my direct sales team, I had 25 people join my team. By the end of my third year I had a total team size of 329. This year, more than 600 people joined my team. Think of it this way: I had more people join my team in my most recent year of business than did during all of my first 4 years combined together!

To what can this be attributed? First, I built roots. People look to do business with those who have weathered the storms. What I mean by that is be here next year.

Think about it in your own life. Doesn’t it sound better to do business with someone who has been around for 25 years versus 2 weeks? Like the venerable oak tree that is able to withstand the most ferocious winds of discontent, the leader who remains reaps the benefits of deep roots.

Secondly, I keep things simple. To build big businesses keep it SUPER simple. You have undoubtedly heard this advice in the past. Specifically, it means just 2 things: Get your personal quota of customers and take 3 new people to the next national training.

Whenever you are challenged in business, activity in any direction will bring relief. People on my team sometimes say to me that they are having trouble with their recruiting. They ask me, “How can I get this person to see the opportunity?” Or they exclaim, “I’ve talked to my friends, whom should I recruit now?” My response is simple. “Get your personal quota of customers done.”

Whenever someone says to me, “Every time I try to get a customer, they want to sign up as a team mate,” I ask them if they have signed those people up to go to the next national training.

Keep things simple. Get customers. Take 3 people to the next national training. Teach this theory to everyone on your team and with good roots, you’ll soon have a big business!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What is your personal product?

While working late one night at my first job after college, I struck up a conversation with the owner about success in business. I asked him if there were any key lessons he could team me about how to become a huge success. He told me wryly, in a way that only a very wealthy and successful person could articulate, that business came down to 3 simple rules. He said, “First, never run out of money. Second, have a big dream and finally, find the best people who believe in your dream.” I thought initially that he was being humorous. Then after reflecting on these thoughts for some time, I realized his brilliance. Master these 3 concepts and you’ll have success in business.

Simply never running out of money should seem obvious to anyone who ventures out in business. Amazingly enough, most businesses fail to budget properly for items such as travel, entertainment, inventory, advertizing and slow times. Then, when the winds of change blow, they find themselves like the three little pigs staring at their business built of twigs flat on the ground.

Having a dream seems simple enough. After all, isn’t it a dream to be independent that was the catalyst for starting your business in the first place? Unfortunately, the desire to be rid of a boss is not a dream; it is a wish, more akin to a whim. A dream is something that dictates the action of a person. Much like programming language to a computer, a dream is the code that makes a person carry out difficult tasks when others would give up. A dream is the very essence, central to one’s core personality. In other words, you can fake out those around you telling them you want one thing, but you can’t lie to yourself psyche- your subconscious or the residence of your dream.

To be truly successful, we need to concretely etch out dreams in our consciousness. Make your dream so vivid, that when awaken from a deep sleep at 2 am and asked, “What is your dream,?” you can answer quickly and succinctly.

Think of your business as a mathematical equation. Finding the people who believe in your dream is a last variable in solving the equation to a successful business.
1 x 1 will always result in a product of 1. Therefore, if you don’t budget your finances, concretely solidify your dream and lead your business as the highest factor in the equation, you will never have a large product.

Based John Maxwell’s concept of attraction he calls, “The Law of Attraction,” one cannot attract individuals of greater factor then they exhibit. Loosely put, if you are a 5 on a scale of 1 -10, with 10 being the highest factor, you will never attract a 6 or greater until you raise your personal factor. No matter how hard you work, all of your effort will be multiplied by a factor less than your own.

What is your product? Is it a 1? Is it a 3 or a 7? What is the result obtained by multiplying your effort and leadership by 2 or more people in your business? To find your product, evaluate the following factors:

1. Money-
Do you budget for your business? Do you have a budget written out? How much can you expect to spend quarterly on travel, on advertisement of your success through the clothes you wear, the watch you don, and the car you drive? Who will you spend money on for dinners and lunches as entertainment? People understand that success leaves clues.

Give yourself a 1 if you don’t have a budget.
Give yourself a 1 if you haven’t met your personal quota for individual sales.
Give yourself a 2 if you have set aside $200 per month.
Give yourself a 5 if you have set aside $500 per month.
Give yourself a 7 if you have set aside $1000 per month.
Give yourself a 10 if you have set aside $2000 per month AND have met your personal sales quota.

2. Your dream-
Is your dream concrete? Do you have it written in a place where you can go to it daily and show it for people to read themselves? Are you consistently telling people your dream? Does your closest friend or spouse know your dream well enough to repeat it? Have you pursued your dream for 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years?

Give yourself a 1 if you don’t have a written dream.
Give yourself a 2 if you have a written dream.
Give yourself a 3 if you have a written dream, AND your closest friend or spouse can recite your dream.
Give yourself a 5 if your dream is written, your friend knows it and you’ve pursued it for more than 2 years. (If you’ve pursued your dream for less than a year, default yourself a 1).
Give yourself a 7 if your dream is written, your friend can recite it and you’ve pursued it for 5 years.
Give yourself a 10 if your dream is written, your friend can recite it, and you’ve pursued it for 10 or more years.

3. People-

Finding the people who believe in your dream is a matter of consistently and aggressively sharing your dream. How often are you sharing with others that you have a dream, that one day…

Give yourself a 1 if you have told 20 or less people in the last year about your dream.
Give yourself a 2 if you’ve told 40 or less people.
Give yourself a 3 if you’ve told 60 or less people.
Give yourself a 4 if you’ve told 80 or less people.
Give yourself a 5 if you’ve told 100 or less people.
Give yourself a 6 for 200 people.
“ “ a 7 for 300…
an 8 for 500…
a 9 for 800…
a 10 for 1000 or more (note that averages about 3 per day).

You should have noticed that the product of your cusses in business is greatly multiplied more by your individual effort of sharing your dream than by any other factor.

Tally each of the 3 scores you get in the categories. Then, take an average of the scores. This is your personal factor. For example:

Money- 1
1 + 3 + 1 = 5. 5/ 3 = 1.6

Consider that if your personal factor is a 1.6, then everyone in your team is at most a 1.6. Therefore, the greatest product you could have working together is 2.56. If you want to increase your success in business, simply increase your personal factor. By raising your personal factor to a 5 or 6 at minimum you effort of working with even the lowest person that is attracted to your business will multiply.

Once you raise your personal factor, you will find the mathematics of a 10 working with even a 2 a greater product than a 1 working with a 1.

Inviting Scripts


Key Tips to effective Inviting:

1. If you know your prospects pain (that is you know what financially they are looking for then use that – for example if they have a big debt load then tell them I have found your solution!)
2. Your call should never last longer than 45 seconds.
3. Never answer any questions other than what is recommended here or you will be caught in a trap of answering questions. Remember the less you say the greater chance they will come!
4. Confirm their attendance the morning of the meeting. Do not call and say I am calling to confirm your attendance. They already confirmed so call to let them know something about the event that will get them excited. For example: you may tell them about who the person coming who is coming to your home is. Or, you may tell them to dress sharp and not to be late.


Close friends and family:
“Hi________ how are you? Do you have a couple of minutes? This is a very important call. I have just received information about an international company that is expanding heavily here, that is being endorsed by Donald Trump and was just featured on Celebrity Apprentice! Some huge income potential is on the table. Are you open to evaluating an opportunity to make money outside of what you do?”


If Yes:
I am having a PRIVATE and EXCLUSIVE meeting at my home on _____ at ______. Can you make it?

If NO:
Wow that’s amazing that you have all the money and free time that you need. But who do you know that is looking to make incredible money and free up their time as well?

If Maybe/Depends:
Well of course it depends. But are you open to evaluating an opportunity to make extra money in addition to what you are doing right now?
If they say Depends again then Repeat above. If they say Depends a third time then say:
“We are going in circles here, it was great speaking with you but I need to go. Have a great day!” (Quickly get off the phone and keep making phone calls you have no time to waste! NO CHIT CHAT!)

If they ask questions:
“Due to the time sensitive material we will cover I cannot get into over the telephone. I need you to see this, the same way I did and you will not believe it when you see this! Can you be at my house for my private meeting at ________ pm!”

If they cannot make it:
“When is the soonest that we can meet?”

People you look up to:
“Hi________ how are you? Do you have a couple of minutes? I am calling you because I have just received information about a business project that I am really excited about which was just featured on Celebrity Apprentice! Since you are someone I really respect it would really mean a lot to me if you could give me your opinion on this amazing business project. Are you available for 1 hour on (date) at (time)?”

Alternative Inviting Scripts

Close friends, family and co-workers:
“Hey what are you doing tomorrow night at 8:00 pm? I found a way that every time somebody watches TV or pays their phone bill we can get paid. This guy I am working with makes a lot of money and he asked me if I knew anybody really ambitious, and I told him about you! You need to meet this guy, he is like the Bill Gates in this industry.”

What to say Professional to Professional:
“What are you doing tomorrow night at 6:00? I’m working on a project and I’m looking for a few key people to partner with. Are you open to evaluating a way to make money outside of what you currently do?”

People you look up to:
“Hey what are you doing tomorrow night at 8:00 pm? Listen, I hooked up with this guy in our area who is working on a business project. He told me about the type of people he was looking to partner with and I immediately thought of you. You need to meet this guy! His business mind and yours would be incredible! He is coming over to my house with a few key people. You need to be there!”

If they ask questions:
“Basically, we are going to make money every time somebody pays their phone bill or watches TV. You have to see this the same way I did! Be at my house at 6:00 pm!”

(Special thanks to outside contributors for this article.)

No greater love

Christmas is my 2nd favorite time of year.

Easter is my favorite; until this year.

This year I took my family to the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia. It is a 5 star resort that is one of the nations very finest resort locations. I read about the resort in Robb Report magazine and decided that this resort would be a great place to take my family and treat them to something special.

There are few places that I travel that exceed my expectations. The Greenbrier Resort did just that.

When we drove up to the resort, night had already fallen on the resort. We were greeted at the guard house and handed a placard to place on our dash for parking. It had our name printed on the card. The guard then welcomed us. “Welcome to the Greenbrier, Mr. and Mrs. Walz,” he said. “Parking is straight ahead to the valet.”

As we followed the path around the protective shrubbery, we were accosted by the magnificent 50 foot Christmas tree, brightly lit with multiple colored lights and adorned with a star on top. The tree was centered in the lawn in front of the mighty white building. At each of the four doors were bronze lions standing guard, greeting the guests. As the doorman opened the 15 foot glass framed doors, warmly with a smile, we stepped onto the white and black checkered marble and knocked the snow free from our shoes and onto the deep red carpet.
This was the beginning to our 5 star, heaven-on-earth experience. This experience has made Christmas my favorite time of year.

Prior to this experience, Christmas meant only the birth of the Savior. While important, I’ve always felt the sacrificial death and resurrection was much more important and therefore, special. Now that I’ve spent time in such a magnificent place, a place where an ordinary person is made to feel extraordinary, I understand the importance of Christmas.
To think that the living God, left heaven, to become man, and to be born in a manger expresses such an overwhelming sacrificial love, it is hard to put my appreciation of that act into words.

This time of year, when we think about friends, family, loved ones and the next year’s goals and dreams, we should take time to contemplate how God left, not a resort that is heaven like, but heaven itself to die for the ones he loves. We should strive to live our lives, lead our businesses, and treat our friends with the same love.

Then, every day will be like a day at the Greenbrier.

Your success in recruiting

Your success is determined by how well you are able to learn, understand and present to, the people you meet.

Think like your prospects. List these from 1-10 in order of importance:

Company literature shown
Marketing plan and potential earnings
Training provided
Who gave the presentation
Product and services
Company management experience
Up-line support
Company image
Sales kit provided
Being first in your area- timing

People decide to join your team based on these answers, and in this order:

1. Who gave the presentation
2. Up line support
3. Training provided
4. Marketing Plan and compensation
5. Products and Services
6. Being first to an area- timing
7. Company literature shown
8. Company image
9. Sales Kit
10. Company Management

30% of how your prospects decide about your business is determined by who you are, the level of up line support you detail, and the training they will get from you and the company.

50% of their decision is based on the marketing plan and products/ services.

Therefore, in order to successfully recruit, you must focus on your story, your failures, your goals, your training, your up-line support, and the training program that the company has put together for you. Then, when you present the compensation program and products/services, the prospect is half way to making a decision to join your team.

So- the key to recruiting is this: Make sure that they like you. Make sure they believe you can do it!

The key to making sure that people like you believe in you is to tell a story. Your story must be credible and consistent.

Here is an exercise in consistency:

Take out a sheet of paper. Write down the first company name that comes to your mind when I ask you these 3 questions.

1. Name a company that manufactures chocolate.
2. Name a company that manufactures chewing gum.
3. Name a company that manufactures coffee.

If you are like most Americans, here are your answers: Hershey, Wrigley's, Starbucks.
What is interesting is that prior to 1979, Folgers was the #1 answer. Starbucks has made their message so clear and consistent, that they have replaced Folgers coffee.
What story and message are you telling? What do your prospects hear and see? Is it consistent?

What to do
Tell your story about how you got started. Tell them from your heart about what you want to achieve; where you have failed in business and in life. Share with them what you want to achieve with this company.
The key to making sure that they believe that you can do it is to share a story about the type of support and coaching you are getting from your up line team.
Tell your prospects how much you are learning. Tell them who you are getting coached by and what they have accomplished and with that help how you are confident that you can achieve your goal. Then, share your goal with them. (How many people do you want on your team by the end of the year? How many customers do you want to have from your team? How will you grow personally?

4 types of people you will meet
When you present your business to people, make sure that you understand your audience. Ask yourself, “Am I offering this person what they are interested in finding?”

There are 4 types of prospects that will join your team. Your presentation must change according to whom you are presenting.

Whales- no natural enemies- talk about family, friends, skip the business and focus on what they want to achieve in life. Use phrases like, “When people work together, they achieve together.” “We can do this together and help each other to help meet the needs of a lot of people.” They give from their heart so speak from the heart. Say things like, “We earnestly will be able to free dozens, hundreds if not thousands of people from their burdens”

Whales build the LARGEST organizations when they believe they can do it.

35% of population

Dolphin- They want to have FUN! Talk about the parties, the dinners, and the get-togetherness that the team has. Talk about traveling to different places and getting to see the world. Talk about how we love to see people use their creativity to have fun here.

Say things like, “Think of all the possibilities for bringing people together to have parties!” “Imagine bringing people together to create endless fun getting to see new places and enjoy life to the fullest!”

15% of population

Urchin- Technical detailed. You are not going to sell them. They are the smartest people in the room and know it. They sell themselves. They need details, details, details. Talk slowly and specifically about the numbers, the services, the contracts, and the details. Greens need a DVD, a magazine, the website to the company, the research document and time to think.

Use phrases like, “Our comprehensive training program is designed to provide you with the details you need to make an informed decision.” “We pride ourselves in providing the most comprehensive training courses quarterly in the entire industry.” “We host individual and group trainings weekly and offer detailed support to our team members including a certified training program to teach individuals about our compensation, services and team building to help them succeed.”

35% of population

Sharks- MONEY, SUCCESS, DRIVERS. These are the business owners, the CEOs, the sales leaders in their industry. For them, the business is about achievement and recognition for their accomplishments.
Sharks are well connected and think for themselves. Target them by saying things like, “You can earn more here in a month then most will earn in a year.” “Results here are determined by the individual effort.” “There is no limit to your income.” You can achieve recognition, success, and wealth at an unimaginative level here.”

Target sharks and remember that they are independent. You won’t get them to listen to you. They are not coachable and believe that this is a sales business. They have the biggest egos. It works for them in sales and the corporate ladder, and not in direct sales. Target sharks for their network of who they know.

15% of population.

How to determine the type of person to whom you are presenting

• What gets you REALLY excited?
• How many hours a week do you work?
• What do you LOVE about your job?
• What do you HATE about your job?
• What do you do with your free time?
• If you had 2 months vacation and all the money you wanted, what would you do?
• How do you like the people you work with?
• What problem scares you to death that more money could solve?
• What do you just absolutely HATE about your life that more money could solve?
• If you had all the money you needed, what HUGE problem would go away?
• If you had all the TIME in the world to do anything you wanted, what would you do?
• Other than money, what are you looking for?

Remember, you are in the people business. Your key to success is learning more about and relating to people.

2010: The year technology replaced talking -

2010: The year technology replaced talking -