Monday, January 3, 2011

Building a big business

In my first 6 months of building my direct sales team, I had 25 people join my team. By the end of my third year I had a total team size of 329. This year, more than 600 people joined my team. Think of it this way: I had more people join my team in my most recent year of business than did during all of my first 4 years combined together!

To what can this be attributed? First, I built roots. People look to do business with those who have weathered the storms. What I mean by that is be here next year.

Think about it in your own life. Doesn’t it sound better to do business with someone who has been around for 25 years versus 2 weeks? Like the venerable oak tree that is able to withstand the most ferocious winds of discontent, the leader who remains reaps the benefits of deep roots.

Secondly, I keep things simple. To build big businesses keep it SUPER simple. You have undoubtedly heard this advice in the past. Specifically, it means just 2 things: Get your personal quota of customers and take 3 new people to the next national training.

Whenever you are challenged in business, activity in any direction will bring relief. People on my team sometimes say to me that they are having trouble with their recruiting. They ask me, “How can I get this person to see the opportunity?” Or they exclaim, “I’ve talked to my friends, whom should I recruit now?” My response is simple. “Get your personal quota of customers done.”

Whenever someone says to me, “Every time I try to get a customer, they want to sign up as a team mate,” I ask them if they have signed those people up to go to the next national training.

Keep things simple. Get customers. Take 3 people to the next national training. Teach this theory to everyone on your team and with good roots, you’ll soon have a big business!

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