Sunday, January 2, 2011

Your success in recruiting

Your success is determined by how well you are able to learn, understand and present to, the people you meet.

Think like your prospects. List these from 1-10 in order of importance:

Company literature shown
Marketing plan and potential earnings
Training provided
Who gave the presentation
Product and services
Company management experience
Up-line support
Company image
Sales kit provided
Being first in your area- timing

People decide to join your team based on these answers, and in this order:

1. Who gave the presentation
2. Up line support
3. Training provided
4. Marketing Plan and compensation
5. Products and Services
6. Being first to an area- timing
7. Company literature shown
8. Company image
9. Sales Kit
10. Company Management

30% of how your prospects decide about your business is determined by who you are, the level of up line support you detail, and the training they will get from you and the company.

50% of their decision is based on the marketing plan and products/ services.

Therefore, in order to successfully recruit, you must focus on your story, your failures, your goals, your training, your up-line support, and the training program that the company has put together for you. Then, when you present the compensation program and products/services, the prospect is half way to making a decision to join your team.

So- the key to recruiting is this: Make sure that they like you. Make sure they believe you can do it!

The key to making sure that people like you believe in you is to tell a story. Your story must be credible and consistent.

Here is an exercise in consistency:

Take out a sheet of paper. Write down the first company name that comes to your mind when I ask you these 3 questions.

1. Name a company that manufactures chocolate.
2. Name a company that manufactures chewing gum.
3. Name a company that manufactures coffee.

If you are like most Americans, here are your answers: Hershey, Wrigley's, Starbucks.
What is interesting is that prior to 1979, Folgers was the #1 answer. Starbucks has made their message so clear and consistent, that they have replaced Folgers coffee.
What story and message are you telling? What do your prospects hear and see? Is it consistent?

What to do
Tell your story about how you got started. Tell them from your heart about what you want to achieve; where you have failed in business and in life. Share with them what you want to achieve with this company.
The key to making sure that they believe that you can do it is to share a story about the type of support and coaching you are getting from your up line team.
Tell your prospects how much you are learning. Tell them who you are getting coached by and what they have accomplished and with that help how you are confident that you can achieve your goal. Then, share your goal with them. (How many people do you want on your team by the end of the year? How many customers do you want to have from your team? How will you grow personally?

4 types of people you will meet
When you present your business to people, make sure that you understand your audience. Ask yourself, “Am I offering this person what they are interested in finding?”

There are 4 types of prospects that will join your team. Your presentation must change according to whom you are presenting.

Whales- no natural enemies- talk about family, friends, skip the business and focus on what they want to achieve in life. Use phrases like, “When people work together, they achieve together.” “We can do this together and help each other to help meet the needs of a lot of people.” They give from their heart so speak from the heart. Say things like, “We earnestly will be able to free dozens, hundreds if not thousands of people from their burdens”

Whales build the LARGEST organizations when they believe they can do it.

35% of population

Dolphin- They want to have FUN! Talk about the parties, the dinners, and the get-togetherness that the team has. Talk about traveling to different places and getting to see the world. Talk about how we love to see people use their creativity to have fun here.

Say things like, “Think of all the possibilities for bringing people together to have parties!” “Imagine bringing people together to create endless fun getting to see new places and enjoy life to the fullest!”

15% of population

Urchin- Technical detailed. You are not going to sell them. They are the smartest people in the room and know it. They sell themselves. They need details, details, details. Talk slowly and specifically about the numbers, the services, the contracts, and the details. Greens need a DVD, a magazine, the website to the company, the research document and time to think.

Use phrases like, “Our comprehensive training program is designed to provide you with the details you need to make an informed decision.” “We pride ourselves in providing the most comprehensive training courses quarterly in the entire industry.” “We host individual and group trainings weekly and offer detailed support to our team members including a certified training program to teach individuals about our compensation, services and team building to help them succeed.”

35% of population

Sharks- MONEY, SUCCESS, DRIVERS. These are the business owners, the CEOs, the sales leaders in their industry. For them, the business is about achievement and recognition for their accomplishments.
Sharks are well connected and think for themselves. Target them by saying things like, “You can earn more here in a month then most will earn in a year.” “Results here are determined by the individual effort.” “There is no limit to your income.” You can achieve recognition, success, and wealth at an unimaginative level here.”

Target sharks and remember that they are independent. You won’t get them to listen to you. They are not coachable and believe that this is a sales business. They have the biggest egos. It works for them in sales and the corporate ladder, and not in direct sales. Target sharks for their network of who they know.

15% of population.

How to determine the type of person to whom you are presenting

• What gets you REALLY excited?
• How many hours a week do you work?
• What do you LOVE about your job?
• What do you HATE about your job?
• What do you do with your free time?
• If you had 2 months vacation and all the money you wanted, what would you do?
• How do you like the people you work with?
• What problem scares you to death that more money could solve?
• What do you just absolutely HATE about your life that more money could solve?
• If you had all the money you needed, what HUGE problem would go away?
• If you had all the TIME in the world to do anything you wanted, what would you do?
• Other than money, what are you looking for?

Remember, you are in the people business. Your key to success is learning more about and relating to people.

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